📚Sunday Book Club:  Brianna Wiest;  "The Mountain is You"

📚Sunday Book Club: Brianna Wiest; "The Mountain is You"

New York ❤️ New York…besides all those restaurants, bars and theaters, NYC hides one of my favorite book stores. The ‘Strand’, family owned since 1927, is filled up with miles of books, including vintage collectible gems! During my recent trip, I filled my entire backpack with art books and self-mastery books. Today I’m pulling out a masterpiece which can help you understand yourself. Buckle up! I’ll be talking about self-sabotage: why, when and how we do it, and more importantly, how to stop it.

The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest will take you on a self discovery hike. You’ll meet your bad habits, face your past in order to meet your future, and hopefully arrive at the summit stronger and more resilient than before. Brianna says that your own mountain is the block between you and the life you want to live. And in order to reach your highest potential, you need to reconcile 2 parts of you: conscious and unconscious - the part of you that is aware of what you want // the part of you that is not aware of why you are still holding yourself back.

Wait, what!?!?

Let’s bring out some quotes to get you on the same page 🤓

“One day, the mountain that is in front of you will be so far behind you, it will barely be visible in the distance. But the person you become in learning to get over it? That will stay with you forever. And that is the point of the mountain.”

“Your new life is going to cost you your old one. It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction. It’s going to cost you relationships and friends. It’s going to cost you being liked and understood. It doesn’t matter. The people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side. You’re going to build a new comfort zone around the things that actually move you forward. Instead of being liked, you’re going to be loved. Instead of being understood, you’re going to be seen. All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are.”

“Happiness is not something you can chase. It is something you have to allow. This likely will come as a surprise to many people, as the world is so adamant about everything from positive psychology to motivational Pinterest boards. But happiness is not something you can coach yourself into. Happiness is your natural state. That means you will return to it on your own if you allow the other feelings you want to experience to come up, be felt, be processed, and not resisted. The less you resist your unhappiness, the happier you will be. It is often just trying too hard to feel one certain way that sets us up for failure.”

Self-discovery is and isn't about finding yourself. It’s more about the process of finding the person you are meant to be. It’s a lifelong journey, laying down brick by brick, building ourselves up.

And remember that you are NOT your past, your failures or mistakes. You are the final product of your: strength, wisdom and resilience, because you managed to overcome them. (Maybe you should write it on a little sticky note and tape it to your mirror to remind yourself of who you are)☺️

Stay humble, yet strong, and never ever give up. 

Love, Hana ❤️

P.S. I can’t leave you without an invitation to our upcoming Real Estate Rockstars webinar with coach Mike and coach Jim. It’s their second in a series: objection crushing live workshop with role play and Q&A. I hope to see you there, because I’m on my mountain hike with YOU. 😉

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